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Medical condition/treatment
disc prolapse
pelvic floor
disc prolapse
Consists of the ilium, pubic bone and ischium, encloses the pelvic organs and connects the torso with the legs.
disc prolapse
Beckenfraktur, Sakroiliakalgelenk-Dysfunktion, Beckenringstabilisierung nach Trauma, Physiotherapie nach Beckenoperation, Rehabilitation nach Beckenringfraktur, Muskeltraining für Beckenstabilisatoren, Mobilisierungsübungen für das Becken, Schmerzmanagement bei Beckenringinstabilität
disc prolapse
Encloses and protects the pelvic organs and connects the spine to the legs.
disc prolapse
Fractures or misalignments; pain, restricted movement in the hip and pelvic area.
disc prolapse
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