Medical condition/treatment
Exercitium Stabilitatis Core
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Core muscles
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Core stability training focuses on strengthening the core muscles, particularly the muscles around the spine and abdomen. A stable core is crucial for healthy posture and avoiding back problems. Targeted exercises improve core stability, which can lead to better posture and reduced risk of injury. Physiotherapy supports this.
Core muscles, core strength, stability, posture
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Physiotherapie, Core-Stabilitätstraining, Kernmuskeltraining, Rumpfstabilität, Bewegungskontrolle
25 min
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Ein Weg zur Besserung, Hand in Hand mit fachkundiger Fürsorge und persönlicher Zuwendung.
50 min
199 Swiss francs - Available OnlineRead More
Ein Weg zur Besserung, Hand in Hand mit fachkundiger Fürsorge und persönlicher Zuwendung.
25 min
110 Swiss francs - Read More
Unser Physioprogramm mit 3D-Body-Scan optimiert Deine Gesundheit und Leistung durch massgeschneid
55 min
175 Swiss francs - Read More
Entdecke Dry Needling – eine gezielte Methode, um Muskelverspannungen zu lösen und mehr.
25 min
120 Swiss francs - Read More
Deine Lebensqualität, unser Ziel – Neurologie neu gedacht.
50 min
260 Swiss francs
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Core stability training is aimed at strengthening the core muscles to improve body stability and posture. It is used in injury rehabilitation, prevention of back pain, and enhancing athletic performance.
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Core stability training focuses on strengthening the muscles in your core, including your abdominals, back muscles, and pelvic floor. A stable core is crucial for good posture and movement control. There is evidence-based research supporting the positive effects of core stability training on core strength and posture.
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History: EMG measurement was first developed in the 1940s and is used to record the electrical activity of muscles. It has applications in medicine, sports science and rehabilitation. Fact: EMG can also be used to control prostheses.