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Medical condition/treatment
Os ilium
disc prolapse
pelvic floor
disc prolapse
The ilium, also known as the os ilium, is a large flat bone that forms part of the pelvis. It is one of the three main bones of the pelvis and contributes significantly to the stability and functionality of the pelvic girdle. The ilium is involved in connecting the pelvis to the spine and, together with the pubic bone and the ischium, forms the pelvis.
The ilium has several prominent structures, including the iliac crest (crista iliaca), which extends along the upper edge and serves as an important attachment site for muscles and ligaments. Another notable structure is the iliac symphysis (spina iliaca anterior superior), which is felt as a prominent projection on the anterior upper part of the ilium and also acts as an attachment site for muscles and ligaments.
Together with the pubic bone and the ischium, the ilium forms the pelvic bones, which play an important role in supporting the trunk and legs and transferring weight and forces during movement. It is also involved in the formation of joints that connect the pelvis to the spine and lower extremities, making it a crucial element for upright posture and mobility of the body.
disc prolapse
Iliosakralgelenksyndrom, Beckenverwringung, Physiotherapie für Iliosakralgelenk, Mobilisierung des Darmbeins, Kraftaufbau der Glutealmuskulatur, Stabilisierungsübungen für das Becken, Manuelle Therapie bei Beckenschiefstand
25 min
50 min
219 Swiss francs- Available OnlineRead More
Ein Weg zur Besserung, Hand in Hand mit fachkundiger Fürsorge und persönlicher Zuwendung.
25 min
110 Swiss francs 50 min
260 Swiss francs
disc prolapse
Part of the pelvis, provides attachment points for the muscles and supports the body weight when sitting.
disc prolapse
Iliac fracture, sacroiliac joint dysfunction
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