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Medical condition/treatment
Rehabilitation Ambulationis
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Gait pattern
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Gait rehabilitation focuses on restoring safe and effective gait after injury or surgery. Physical therapists provide gait training exercises and guidance to restore mobility and prevent falls.
Gait training, gait patterns, rehabilitation, fall prevention
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Physiotherapie, Gangrehabilitation, Gehtraining, Ganganalyse, Koordinationstraining
25 min
50 min
219 Swiss francs- Available OnlineRead More
Ein Weg zur Besserung, Hand in Hand mit fachkundiger Fürsorge und persönlicher Zuwendung.
25 min
110 Swiss francs 50 min
260 Swiss francs
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Gait rehabilitation is a specialized rehabilitation approach that aims to restore walking and movement ability in people with walking disorders or injuries. It includes targeted exercises, gait training and the use of assistive devices to promote patient mobility and independence. This is particularly important after strokes, accidents or orthopedic surgery.
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Gait rehabilitation focuses on restoring the ability to walk after injury or surgery. A physical therapist will provide targeted exercises and techniques to restore your mobility and safety while walking. There is evidence-based research supporting the effectiveness of gait rehabilitation in physical therapy.
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History: Gait training is part of gait rehabilitation and can help make walking safer and more efficient. Fact: There are special techniques and exercises to teach people how to walk safely again after injuries or surgeries.
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