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Medical condition/treatment
Rehabilitation Coxae
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Hip rehabilitation focuses on recovery from hip injuries or surgery. It aims to restore mobility to the hip joint, strengthen the muscles and improve mobility. Rehabilitation can make it easier to return to normal activities.
Hip surgery, hip rehabilitation, hip pain, mobility

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Physiotherapie, Hüftrehabilitation, Hüftgelenk, Genesung nach Hüftoperation, Beweglichkeit wiederherstellen
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Hip rehabilitation is an important therapy after hip surgery or for hip problems. It includes targeted exercises to strengthen the hip muscles, improve mobility and restore the ability to walk. Rehabilitation aims to relieve pain and optimize hip function. It is crucial for the success of the treatment and the return to normal activity.
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Hip rehabilitation focuses on restoring hip function after injury or surgery. A physical therapist will offer specific exercises and techniques to restore your mobility and strength in your hips. There is evidence-based research supporting the effectiveness of hip rehabilitation in physical therapy.
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History: Hydrotherapy, the use of water for rehabilitation and relaxation, has a long history and has been practiced in various cultures. Fact: Water exercises can be particularly gentle on the joints and are suitable for people with restricted mobility.
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