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Metatarsalgia (foot pain in the area of the metatarsals)

Medical condition/treatment

Metatarsalgia or foot pain in the metatarsal area

disc prolapse


disc prolapse

Metatarsalgia refers to pain in the metatarsal area, often in the ball of the foot. This can be caused by repetitive strain or foot deformities. Treatment includes special insoles, shoes, rest, physical therapy and, in some cases, surgery to correct deformities.


Overuse, poor shoe choice, foot anatomy

Metatarsalgia (foot pain in the area of the metatarsals)

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Einlagen, Fußschmerzen, Überbeanspruchung, Fußübungen

disc prolapse

Metatarsalgia can be caused by overuse of the metatarsal bones or poor shoe choice.

disc prolapse

Treatment for metatarsalgia includes rest, wearing shoes with good foot support, and insoles to relieve pressure on the affected bones. Physical therapy can provide exercises to strengthen foot muscles and improve mobility. Pain-relieving medications can be taken in consultation with a doctor. If symptoms persist, an orthopedist or physiotherapist should be consulted.

disc prolapse

Metatarsalgia was described in the 19th century and affects the metatarsal bones. Fact: It can be triggered by unfavorable footwear.

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