Medical condition/treatment
Exercise Motorium
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Motor skills
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Motor skills training is a special form of physiotherapy exercises aimed at improving motor skills. This training is particularly helpful for people with restricted mobility or coordination problems. Through targeted exercises, movement sequences are trained, muscle strength is strengthened and coordination is improved. Motor skills training can be used both in children to promote motor development and in adults for rehabilitation after injuries or operations.
Motor skills, movement coordination, child development, rehabilitation
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Physiotherapie, Motoriktraining, Beweglichkeit, Koordination, Entwicklungsförderung
25 min
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260 Swiss francs
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Motor skills training refers to the targeted improvement of motor skills and movement coordination. It is especially important for children with developmental delays, neurological diseases or injuries. The training includes exercises to increase dexterity, fine motor skills and spatial perception. Motor skills training supports the development and daily life of children.
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Motor skills training aims to improve your motor skills, especially in children. A physical therapist will provide targeted exercises and activities to promote motor development. There are evidence-based studies that support the effectiveness of motor skills training in physical therapy.
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History: Promoting motor development in children has become increasingly important in recent decades. She focuses on supporting motor milestones in children. Fact: Children develop their motor skills at different rates.