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Medical condition/treatment

Cervical syndrome or cervical spine syndrome

disc prolapse

cervical spine

disc prolapse

Cervical syndrome refers to pain and discomfort in the neck area that can have a variety of causes, including muscle tension or posture problems. Treatment includes physical therapy, pain medications, exercises to strengthen the neck muscles, and ergonomic adjustments to avoid repetitive strain. A holistic approach is important.


Poor posture, neck injuries, degenerative change

Cervical syndrome

disc prolapse

Zervikalsyndrom, Halswirbelsäule, Nackenschmerzen, Schmerzlinderung, Physiotherapie, Orthopädische Behandlung, Chiropraktik, Manuelle Therapie, Entspannungstechniken, Rehabilitation

disc prolapse

Cervical syndrome, a disease of the cervical spine, can occur due to poor posture, injury, or degenerative changes. Impaired movement control can worsen symptoms.

disc prolapse

Treatment for cervical syndrome may include rest and physical therapy exercises to improve neck muscles and relieve pain. In severe cases, a corticosteroid injection or surgery may be necessary to control symptoms. An orthopedist or physiotherapist can give individual recommendations.

disc prolapse

Cervical syndrome, also known as cervical spine syndrome, was studied more intensively in the 20th century. It affects the cervical spine and can lead to pain and restrictions. Modern diagnostic methods such as imaging have improved identification. Treatment may include physical therapy exercises, medications, and targeted therapeutic approaches to alleviate the symptoms.

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