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Medical condition/treatment

runner's knee or iliotibial band syndrome

disc prolapse


disc prolapse

Runner's knee is a painful condition in which the kneecap becomes inflamed and causes pain, especially when running or bending the knee. The main cause is often overuse or misalignment. Treatment includes rest, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and targeted exercises to strengthen the leg muscles. It is important to adjust activities to relieve symptoms.


Overuse, repetitive strain, movement patterns, sports activities

runner's knee

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Schmerzen, Knieprobleme, Überbeanspruchung, Sport, Dehnübungen

disc prolapse

Runner's knee, also called patellofemoral pain syndrome, can be caused by overuse of the knee, especially during activities such as running.

disc prolapse

Treatment for runner's knee includes rest, physical therapy exercises to strengthen the thigh muscles and improve mobility. Pain-relieving medications may be taken in consultation with a doctor. In severe cases, corticosteroid injections or surgery may be necessary. An orthopedic or sports medicine specialist can discuss the best course of action.

disc prolapse

Runner's knee was first described in the 20th century and often affects runners. Fact: Overuse can play a role.

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