Medical condition/treatment
Therapy Bobath
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Motor control
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Bobath therapy is a special method used in the treatment of neurological diseases such as cerebral palsy. It aims to improve motor control and mobility. Bobath therapists offer individual exercises and techniques to support patients.
Neurological rehabilitation, movement coordination, physiotherapy, stroke
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Physiotherapie, Bobath-Therapie, Neurologische Rehabilitation, Bewegungsmuster, Motorische Fähigkeiten
25 min
- Read More
Ein Weg zur Besserung, Hand in Hand mit fachkundiger Fürsorge und pers...
50 min
199 Swiss francs 25 min
110 Swiss francs- Read More
Unser Physioprogramm mit 3D-Body-Scan optimiert Deine Gesundheit und L...
55 min
175 Swiss francs - Read More
Entdecke Dry Needling – eine gezielte Methode, um Muskelverspannungen ...
25 min
120 Swiss francs - Read More
Deine Lebensqualität, unser Ziel – Neurologie neu gedacht.
50 min
260 Swiss francs
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Bobath therapy is a specialized technique used to treat neurological disorders. She focuses on restoring movement control in people with stroke, cerebral palsy and other neurological diseases. Through targeted exercises and movement therapy, Pa
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Bobath therapy is a specialized method of physical therapy used for neurological diseases such as stroke or cerebral palsy. A certified Bobath therapist will show you exercises and techniques to improve your ability to move and your quality of life. There is evidence-based research that supports the effectiveness of Bobath Therapy.
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History: Core stability training, also known as core training, became popular in the last few decades. It focuses on strengthening the muscles around the spine and torso. Fact: A strong core can improve posture and relieve back pain.