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Medical condition/treatment

Meniscus tear

disc prolapse


disc prolapse

A torn meniscus is an injury to the cartilage in the knee that can cause pain, swelling, and limited movement. The cause can be acute injury or wear and tear. Treatment may be conservative, with rest, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory medications, or surgical to repair or remove the torn meniscus. The choice of therapy depends on the type of tear and the individual needs of the patient.


Injuries, sudden movements, sports activities

Meniscus tear

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Chirurgie, Knieinstabilität, Verletzung, Sport, Rehabilitation

disc prolapse

A torn meniscus can be caused by sudden rotational movements of the knee or injury. The menisci are cartilage in the knee that can tear easily.

disc prolapse

Treatment for a torn meniscus can be conservative and include periods of rest and physical therapy exercises to strengthen the thigh muscles. In some cases, arthroscopic surgery to remove or repair the meniscus may be necessary. An orthopedist can discuss the best course of action.

disc prolapse

Meniscus tear was first described in the 19th century and affects the menisci in the knee. Fact: They can lead to pain and limited mobility.

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