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Medical condition/treatment

Extensio Musculorum

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Muscle stretching is an important part of physical therapy to improve muscle flexibility and prevent injuries. It also helps to relieve tension and increase freedom of movement. Regular stretching exercises can keep the muscles supple and promote mobility.


Stretching, flexibility, muscle suppleness, warm-up exercises

Muscle stretching

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Muskeldehnung, Flexibilität, Muskelentspannung, Beweglichkeit

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Muscle stretching is an important technique in physical therapy to increase muscle flexibility. It is used for muscle tension, shortening and restricted movement. Stretching helps reduce muscle tension, relieve pain and improve mobility. Physiotherapists use special stretching techniques to stretch muscles safely and effectively. Proper technique is crucial to avoid injury.

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Muscle stretching is a technique that stretches muscles to increase flexibility and relieve tension. A physical therapist will offer specific stretching exercises to loosen your muscles and relieve pain. There is evidence-based research supporting the effectiveness of muscle stretching in physical therapy.

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History: Muscle relaxation techniques aimed at reducing muscle tension have their origins in relaxation therapy and stress management. Fact: Relaxed muscles can help reduce stress and pain.

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