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Medical condition/treatment
Quadriceps tendon rupture
disc prolapse
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A quadriceps tendon rupture is an injury to the tendon that connects the quadriceps muscles in the thigh to the kneecap. This leads to pain, swelling and limited mobility of the knee. Treatment includes rest, physical therapy, and in some cases tendon repair surgery.
Overuse, injuries, sports activities
disc prolapse
Physiotherapie, Knieschmerzen, Muskellähmung, Überbeanspruchung, Sport, Rehabilitation
25 min
50 min
219 Swiss francs- Available OnlineRead More
Ein Weg zur Besserung, Hand in Hand mit fachkundiger Fürsorge und persönlicher Zuwendung.
25 min
110 Swiss francs 50 min
260 Swiss francs
disc prolapse
A rupture of the quadriceps tendon can be caused by sudden overuse or injury to the thigh.
disc prolapse
A quadriceps tendon rupture usually requires surgery to repair the tendon. Postoperative rehabilitation is crucial and includes physical therapy exercises to strengthen the quadriceps and improve mobility. Compliance with the surgeon's instructions and regular medical examinations are important to avoid complications.
disc prolapse
Quadriceps tendon tears became better understood in the 20th century and affect the quadriceps tendon in the knee. Fact: They often require surgical repair.
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