Medical condition/treatment
disc prolapse
Foot - Achilles tendon
disc prolapse
Achillodynia, also known as Achilles tendon pain, is a painful condition of the Achilles tendon caused by overuse or injury. Typical symptoms are pain in the heel area, which occurs especially in the morning after getting up or during physical activity. Treatment may include rest, physical therapy, shoe adjustments, and anti-inflammatory medications. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary.
Overuse, poor choice of shoes, muscle weakness, age factors
disc prolapse
Physiotherapie, Schmerzen, Reizung, Überlastung, Alter, Dehnübungen
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Ein Weg zur Besserung, Hand in Hand mit fachkundiger Fürsorge und persönlicher Zuwendung.
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disc prolapse
Achillodynia is a chronic condition of the Achilles tendon that is often caused by repeated microtrauma. The exact cause can vary, but overuse and degenerative changes play a role.
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Achillodynia, also known as Achilles tendon pain, requires similar measures as Achilles tendonitis. In addition to the measures already mentioned, it is important to pay attention to the foot support and the choice of shoes. Special orthopedic insoles can reduce the strain on the Achilles tendon. Physiotherapy is also crucial here to strengthen the muscles and stretch the tendon. In severe cases, a doctor may consider an injection of corticosteroids or platelet-rich plasma (PRP). In the case of chronic or severe symptoms, surgery is sometimes unavoidable. It is advisable to have regular check-ups with an orthopedist to monitor progress.
disc prolapse
The term "Achillodynia" was first coined in the 1970s to describe pain in the Achilles tendon. Fact: It often occurs in athletes.